How to draw People: with colored pencils

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Drawing

How to draw People: with colored pencils Details

One unique step-by-step drawing tutorial. Learn to draw realistic people, using colored


I have never heard of Jasmina Susak. However, this proved to be an excellent introduction to simple portraiture with colored pencils. English is not her native language and some sentences are a bit awkward. Despite this, they are simple to understand and more clearly written than many books by native speakers. Each step of the process is illustrated with a single example. The book covers the creation of a single portrait, but it does so in exquisite detail with each step carefully described and clearly illustrated.Some of the illustrations do not line up directly with the text that describes them. However, every step of the process is included and simply flipping through the pages to examine each illustration is just as illuminating as reading the text.

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